Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Safety Assessments and E Learning Courses now available from Gracefruit

For those who have been Gracefruit customers for a number of years, you will know that we try our best to bring requested products and services to you. So we are delighted to announce that we are now offering Safety Assessments and E-Learning Courses to make your life easier.

Safety Assessments

Interested in making and selling luxury skincare and hair care products? Great news with our new cost-effective safety assessments for all of our Gracefruit Luxury Bases doing so couldn't be easier! Each safety assessment will cover the addition of fragrance oils and/or essential oils to the pre-made base and will allow you to legally sell the finished product.

E-Learning Courses

In conjunction with our friends at Plush Folly we are pleased to offer you a series of accredited e-Learning courses which teach you how to make bespoke products from hair care to soap, perfume and much more. Email support from Plush Folly is offered whilst you learn your new skill, and the course files are available to you online for twelve months from date of purchase.

Why not combine both products, by first learning a new skill and then using that knowledge to broaden your product offering to your customers?

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