Thursday, September 18, 2014

New distributor in Portugal

Entering new markets is always exciting for us here in Gracefruit. This time we are off to Portugal with our new distributor there, Plena Natura (meaning Full Nature). It's a recent venture by a couple Carla and Humberto who visualised that soap making at home could appeal to broader audience, or to use Humberto's words "we wanted to provide with exceptional raw materials those devoted into the "art" of soap making". Since they are soapmakers themselves they know what makes a soap stand out. This is how they decided to open the first online store in Portugal for raw cosmetic and soap making materials and Plena Natura was born. We are glad to be working with them, as we pride ourselves in delivering the best raw materials for soaps and cosmetics with the best prices in the market, something that Humberto spotted in us when we were first contacted to request the distributorship. They've been on the market only since January 2014 and already "Plena Natura" has been asserting itself increasingly as a local leader for great quality at fair prices.Carla and Humberto welcome on board Gracefruit team.

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