Our Silver Penciled Wyandotte. The poor wee thing was very stressed to be caught and put into a cat carrier. She's quite young, and I hope she'll settle okay.

Our Welsummer. She seems to have dealt with the transition much better. I can't wait to see those dark chocolatey-brown eggs.
No names for either yet. I am hoping they will name themselves.
EDIT: We've named them! Alice (top) and Ruby.
They are very pretty girls. Hope they settle right in!
Thanks, TL! They're already calming down quite a bit. They're probably too full of treats to move. ;)
Wow! The silver one is so beautyful.The pattern looks very special. I´ve never seen this before.
Jesterday I talked again to my better half to get us 2 or 3 chicken in spring. He promised me to think about it. Oh, I hope so. I hope your chickens are well.and getting friends with the others.
They look lovely. Hope the eggs come soon. We all know the chicken came first, then the egg!!
Sannyas, I hope he agrees to the hens. They are the best pets. And they're very easy to look after.
There are some gorgeous breeds in Germany -- Hamburgs are so pretty.
Thank you, Charlie! We're still waiting for the eggs.
It was nice to read your blog.. very interesting.. :)
I am hoping too, that the cute hens will settle right in soon..
Cool! My perants come from Hamburg. Next time when I´ll visit them I will have a look. But do you think I can carry them 800km by car? I think this could be to stressful. Probably I could find a breed here, too.
H, thank you for stopping by! :)
S, I think you can find a breeder much closer. In fact, I was reading last night that the Hamburg is actually a Dutch chicken!
Your new girls are simply gorgeous! I'm up late catching up on my blog reading, but I'm going to show this to my kids tomorrow. Ds#1 will love them. :)
Thank you, Teresa! I hope DS1 approves. :)
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