Saturday, October 04, 2008

Wow, Triple Post.

This is too exciting not to share, though. I heard one of the chickens making a terrible racket earlier, and now I know why.

After months of waiting, we got our first egg!

Laid by Featherbelle, our cream legbar cross.


macsoapy said...

Good girl.
Where did you find the egg?

gracefruit said...

It was in the nest box. E took it out. It was all very exciting. :)

Anonymous said...

That is the bluest blue egg I've ever seen, and we have chickens (Ameracaunas) that lay blue eggs!

Yay! I hope it tastes every bit as good as you imagined!

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

Congrats-I've never seen a freshly-laid egg before. Us city gals-go figure!

gracefruit said...

Thanks, Teresa! I was really surprised at how blue it was. We thought they'd be paler and greener. We're going to collect a couple more (hopefully) and share an omelette very soon.

Crafty, this is my first, too! I've had some eggs from the farm behind our house, but never straight from the nest box.

Anonymous said...

We looked up "cream legbar cross" because it's not a variety we can get here in the States, and sure enough, it was developed in GB. The entry did help to explain why the egg is blue: those chickens have Araucana genes in them, just like our Ameracaunas! Still, not sure why your eggs are so much bluer than ours, which are pretty much lighter blue or blue-green. Your egg is a brilliant American robin blue.

gracefruit said...

Do you think the eggs will stay that blue? I suspect there was a little extra blue dye there since it was her first egg. And it's quite small. I read somewhere that all chickens' eggs are white, and that they get a coating of colour right before they're laid. If you get one fresh enough, you can wipe away the colour!

Anne-Marie said...

Yippeee! An egg! It's gorgeous. What a lovely shade of blue.

gracefruit said...

Anne-Marie, we got another today! Yay!