By the time I made it out the back door, the bird had fled. She hopped down onto one of the lower levels of the deck and into a hedgerow. I followed her as best I could, but she eventually ended up under the deck. She was very stressed and frightened, so I thought it best to leave her alone.
She certainly didn't behave like a domestic bird, and once I was close enough to get a good look, I didn't think she really resembled a bantam. Because she's a grouse! A black grouse, to be exact.

Black grouse are a threatened species, but despite this are hunted. I'm not sure if it's grouse season or not, but needless to say, this one won't end up on the dinner table if I can help it. I've put some food out, and I hope she'll return. She appeared to have an injured wing and I'd like to get her some help.
Awww, she's a cutie! You got such a beautiful photo of it. My son enjoyed the photo too (he knows more about birds than I do).
Good luck protecting her!
Hee! It's another stock photo. The one I saw today was way too fast to snap. And she was terrified!
D'oh, you fooled me again! LOL! I thought since she seemed injured, she may have slowed down enough for a nice photo. Oh well, still a good picture. :> We subscribe to Cornell Bird Lab's Living Bird, Audubon magazine, and Birder's World, but we never tire of looking at birds.
I wish I could take photos like that. My skills are slightly lacking. :)
There has been no sign of her since yesterday. My hope is that the droopy wing was just a sign of stress and that she's off and happy now.
You should come with us to the north of Scotland for some bird watching some time. Puffins!
I would LOVE to come to Scotland again! It's been a while...dh and I went to Ediburgh and drove to the Highlands and Perth back in '90. It's a gorgeous country and the people are so lovely. We'll have to save up and dream. :)
We love the Highlands. Most of our family vacations are spent there. If you're ever over this way, I'll act as tour guide. :)
I'll take you up on your offer, too! Thanks! xo
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