Nights are getting colder here in Scotland, so I decided to bring out the winter bed clothes. When I opened the linen cupboard door, I nearly fainted. What chaos! I couldn't find a matching set of sheets for anything -- there were fitted sheets (badly 'folded'), flat sheets, and pillow cases piled in a sort of higgledy-piggledy stack that was ready to fall right off the shelf. I gave up digging and pulled out the entire lot. It was time to reorganise.
I remembered reading something years ago about the best way to store sheets and duvet sets. The advice was to fold up the sets save one pillowcase. Put the folded set into the pillowcase and then neatly stack everything on the shelf. You'll always know where the complete set of sheets is because it will be inside the matching pillowcase on the shelf. Brilliant! I'm happy to report this system works well, and my linen closet no longer looks as if it's going to collapse onto itself. Yay!
Fabulous idea!
Love the new look as well. :)
Thank you! We're still tinkering with it. I'm trying to do this in such a way that I don't lose my widgets. They're fond of disappearing. :)
I heard that theory a couple of months ago (ok - probably closer to 6 months than 2), decided to re-organise my hot press with it, pulled everything out on to the guest bed and . . . . it is still there.
I suck big time. And I have no friends to invite to visit me :(
Good theory though! :D
We never have guests either, Susan. And here's a hint -- recycle lots of sheets and duvet covers at the clothing bin. Less to fold and put away. ;)
Great new header and look!
I read the pillow case organizing method at Martha Stewart, but haven't done it myself. I have a different method (where I use the nearly completely folded flat sheet to envelope the folded pillow cases and fitted sheet).
That said, my linen closet is so in need of some serious tidying. :}
Love this idea, I will need to try it soon.
I do it that way too! I love it...sooo much easier to find things! lol
Teresa, I couldn't take the state of the linen cupboard for another minute. It looked like it had grown limbs!
Suds, you'll be amazed at the extra space you end up with.
Elizabeth, I wish I'd done this sooner. Now I just have to figure out the best way to fold a fitted sheet. Mine look like giant, used Kleenex at the moment.
I absolutely love that idea. My linens get organized about every two months. It is a wreck after two or three bed changes. This will certainly help. Now all I have t odo is find the time and energy to begin this project!
Joanna, it doesn't take too long (well, unless you're a sheet horder!). We should all take and share photos of our lovely, pristine closets. :)
I would have never thought about that wow what a concept. I can't wait to get home and organize.
Do try it. You can act all smug when you open the closet to take out sheets. :)
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